We are Becoming The Souls at Play Center for Creative Therapy

We have exciting news! The Souls at Play Equine Center is expanding and is now in the process of becoming The Souls at Play Center for Creative Therapy. A non-profit Center that will offer creative types of therapy ( Art, Equine, Garden, Socialization therapy etc) to help people on their journey of healing and recovery from trauma and sexual abuse. Stay tuned for updates!!

Energy is the Universal Language

We all speak energy as a language. We all use it to communicate whether we realize it or not. We are all fluent in it. In fact, it is a much stronger, louder and more influential form of communication than speaking. It drives us all.

The problem with it,  is that you can not see it. It is based on how it feels. This brings up all kinds of issues for us. It involves self-trust. Instinct. What really surfaces is the opposite, which is self-doubt. We are much more comfortable with tangible evidence. If we can see it and touch it, it is real.

Energy language is like body language. It is there and it is speaking volumes only nobody acknowledges it. We respond to it, but for the most part we are unaware that it is what is directing us. Think about the energy of pressure. There are all types. Pressure is energy delivering a message.  Peer pressure, societal pressure, guilt pressure, all forms of energy. We know it because we really feel it when we try to not act on that pressure. It is uncomfortable to go against the grain.

One of the reasons I love working with horses is the clarity of their responses to energy.  They respond to the truth. They react according to what types of energy are there.  They do not doubt themselves. The energy says what it says. There is no hidden agenda. No judgment. It is unbiased. They simply physically respond to the invisible. Their responses make the invisible, visible.

This is all food for thought. My intention is to have you think about energy. To start, pay attention to it. Do you feel other people’s energy around you ? What does it feel like ? You can make a choice about the types of energy you are around. What type of energy do you want to be around ?

Thanks for the listen. Toodles Sarah

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It is easy in the world to live after the world’s opinion. It is easy in solitude to live after our own. But the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

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You have talents within you that will bring you inner joy and will benefit and enrich our world. Listen to the voice of your heart. It has the answers. Make it be the true authority in your life.

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Horses are fascinating and we see within them sparks of ourselves. The truth is that we are fascinating and it is a remarkable opportunity to see ourselves mirrored back to us from such an incredible being.

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Horses have a natural freedom about them and by engaging with them you are able to observe how you restrict yourself from being free in your own life.

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Horses are effective teachers because of what they represent to us. They speak of freedom, nature, beauty, and above all power. Working with them gives us the opportunity to see how we limit are greatness!

Garden Gallery

Gardens are being incorporated in the grounds of the farm and arena areas to create a beautiful and uplifting environment. Gardens provide a wonderful avenue to reconnect with nature and increase feelings of well-being. These are a few of the gardens Sarah Desjardins has created in the past and gives an idea of what is to come at The Center.

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